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Airs Weekdays 3-5 pm EST

Phil's Gang

Phil Grande host of the Phil's Gang� Radio Show, has mastered many titles in his life. Phil returns to BTRN weekdays 3 PM and 9 PM EST.

One of the most sought after Master technical chartist in America, Phil Grande has excelled as investor, business owner, instructor of technical charting and financial mentor. He was honored by Venture Magazine and Arthur Anderson with "Entrepreneur of the Year" based upon his expertise of taking over poorly mismanaged companies and turning them into a profitable viable business. Many times by his own funding or the use of venture capitalists, he would bring those now financially viable companies Public.

In addition, he was voted for 2 years consecutive as Inc. 500 Magazines Fastest Growing Company. In his youth he turned pro as an extreme skier after capturing a world champion title. Phil enjoys piloting his own helicopter when his time allows.

The Radio Talk Show Host
Long before the Dr. Dooms and the talking heads of financial cable and talk radio shows, no one could predict or even come close to predicting the stock market and US economy like Phil Grande can. Phil has been predicting the stocks and the movement of Wall Street with razor like precision over the US airwaves for the past 12 years.

Phil Grande had coined the phrase, "I'm going to tell you what Wall Street doesn't want you to know" not only providing his listeners information they can't wait to tune into, but they'll get Phil's humorous and entertaining commentary on political concerns and social issues. He is passionate when it comes to explaining why "the Big Banksters", corrupted Politian's and the Federal Reserve help create monetary manipulating maneuvers in order to sway the stock market, only to benefit their own pockets, and ultimately putting hard working US citizens savings and pensions in extreme peril.

This is where Phil's Gang show comes in. Phil's Gang offers the listening audience a simple self- investing solution for those who want to learn how to protect their hard earned assets. In addition to this investing insight, Phil's Gang has long been a huge advocate of the St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital as well as the ROCK Camp for Sick Kids. Phil asks his what he calls his "Gang Members" to give whatever percentage of earned profits as their own discretion as a way to show gratitude for the services that Phil, his partner/spouse Marta Grande and the Phil's Gang staff supply.


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