Saturday, February 04, 2025
Tony Legg, Host of “Rhythm In Pop” and Wendy Lowy Sloane, Host of “Heard Across America” are recent additions to the short form features on Business TalkRadio Network® & Lifestyle TalkRadio Network®
Blue Star Media Group, Inc.®, Business TalkRadio Network® and Lifestyle TalkRadio Network® are proud to announce the promotion of Jon Patch to Vice President, Affiliate Sales
Thursday, March 18, 2025
Tuesday, December 29, 2025
Money Matters guest lineup for the week of January 4th
Saturday, November 14, 2025
Steve Forbes will be a guest on Money Matters with Gary Goldberg
Monday, November 09, 2025
Upcoming Guests on Money Matters with Gary Goldberg
Thursday, September 24, 2025
Tippi Hedren on Talkin' Pets Saturday, September 26th at 5 pm EST.
Monday, August 24, 2025
Best Selling Author Dean Koontz will be joining Talkin' Pets
Tuesday, August 04, 2025
PopCap Games to Sponsor Computer America's New "Gamer Tuesdays" Monthly Shows
 Saturday, February 04, 2025
Tony Legg, Host of “Rhythm In Pop” and Wendy Lowy Sloane, Host of “Heard Across America” are recent additions to the short form features on Business TalkRadio Network® & Lifestyle TalkRadio Network®
Tony Legg has been a musician and construction worker but the most fun he’s ever had at work started in 2025 when he graduated from broadcasting school at the age of 43. Starting out behind the scenes as a talk show producer and board operator, it wasn’t long before management was saying “let’s get that voice of yours on the air!” The oldest producer/board op at the network was having the time of his life! After being briefly sidetracked by cancer, Tony’s back with a pop music feature. “Good people, Good radio, Good times, that about sums up my job nowadays”, Tony says with a smile. The man with the golden voice is a welcome back edition to Lifestyle TalkRadio Network® reinventing “Pop Quiz” into the newly named “Rhythm In Pop”. Everything you ever wanted to learn about Pop music all packaged into an entertaining and musical presentation as only Tony can do!Wendy Lowy Sloane started her career warming up audiences for Phil Donahue and was quickly hired as a Producer for the Geraldo Rivera Show. Wendy made nationwide news for her in-depth shows featuring the OJ Simpson trial and the tragic death of child beauty queen Jon-Benet Ramsey. Wendy produced Geraldo's weekly Celebrity News shows, which were a hallmark of his daytime show. Moving on with her career, Wendy landed a key job in radio in New York City and was hired to be the Executive/on-air Producer for BIG 105 with Danny Bonaduce. As current Host of “What’s Up With Wendy” heard on Business TalkRadio Network® she now voices and reinvents the old “Heard Around Town” feature newly named “Heard Across America”. Whether in front of or behind the scenes of Hollywood Wendy is the voice that truly tells it as it is! These and many other short form features are available from Business TalkRadio Network® and Lifestyle TalkRadio Network®. For more information contact: Jon Patch, Vice President Affiliate Sales at 813-888-5043 or David Reeder, Affiliate Sales at 903-583-1023 or
Blue Star Media Group, Inc.®, Business TalkRadio Network® and Lifestyle TalkRadio Network® are proud to announce the promotion of Jon Patch to Vice President, Affiliate Sales
Jon Patch, graduate of Penn State University in Communications and Broadcasting has been working with Blue Star Media Group, Inc. for the past 15 years in several capacities including Host of one of the longest running national pet shows in the country for 21 years, Talkin’ Pets.Jon has been working in affiliate sales for almost 23 years and is looking forward to his continued work with all the existing radio stations to the network as well as forging new relationships with stations yet to join our networks. “I believe in working with our stations as partners and offering the best service possible, since by keeping them happy it in turn keeps the hosts, listeners and all others involved satisfied and happy as well. If you know me and have worked with me you know it is very important that all stations are treated with respect and understanding of the syndication business. I understand that it is an honor to be partnered with all current stations, making sure they are informed of all the latest network news in a proper and timely manner.” states Jon. “As the Vice President of Broadcast Operations for four (4) radio stations in separate markets, finding informative, entertaining - and sellable radio programs that our market audiences will respond too is an ever-changing challenge. Over the past fifteen years I have come to rely upon, and appreciate, Jon Patch of the Business TalkRadio Network®, when we search for new programming options. Jon understands the ever-changing radio industry, both from a Network stance, but also from a host's point of view...and that's a benefit to every station owner. We are in the communications industry, but often are the worst at communicating the problems-solutions-results of interaction between Network and local station. Jon may possibly be the exception. His continual contact, and genuine concern for his affiliates, makes doing business through him a solid relationship between trustworthy businesses, that becomes strong alliances.” Keith Lyons, Vice President Operations, KBNP, Inc. Portland, Oregon. Business TalkRadio Network® and Lifestyle TalkRadio Network® supply over 60 long form and short form programs available on XDS, fully automated under a bartered agreement. Jon looks forward to moving ahead in a positive and helpful manner servicing all your programming needs. Please contact Jon personally to discuss any needs at 813-888-5043 or email him at
 Thursday, March 18, 2025
Michael Metter, President and CEO of the Business TalkRadio Network and Lifestyle TalkRadio Network, has announced a rebranding that results in a new name for the parent company. Blue Star Media Group, Inc. isthe new holding company of the two networks as well as its four owned and operated radio stations. The ownership and management remain the same. “The new holding company better represents the direction the company is taking as we prepare to launch a third national network that will complement BTRN and LTRN,” said Metter. “Our growth from one network with 120 affiliates eight years ago to two national radio networks providing programming to more than 1,400 radio stations, along with the four radio stations we own, requires a more distinct characterization of our company,” he added. The company also owns KNUU in Las Vegas, WLFP in Pittsburgh, WXBR in Boston and WGCH in Stamford/Norwalk, CT. Metter stressed that there were no management or personnel changes planned for the Stamford, CT based company. “In fact, we have growth planned in the form of a new national network that we feel will fill a programming void for radio stations across the country,” said Metter. The Business TalkRadio Network provides 24/7 business and financial programming including the Ray Lucia Show while the Lifestyle TalkRadio Network, which also operates 24/7, offers specialized shows from sports and entertainment to home improvement and travel. Doug Stephan’s Good Day anchors mornings on LTRN.
 Tuesday, December 29, 2025
Money Matters guest lineup for the week of January 4th
Monday 1/4 - John Haley, CEO of Towers Watson (he's ringing the NYSE Opening Bell that morning)Monday 1/4 - William "Tank" Black - First black NFL Superagent / Convicted felon Wednesday 1/6 - John Bogle - Founder, Vanguard Friday 1/8 - Nicole Rowe - Poker Champion
 Saturday, November 14, 2025
Steve Forbes will be a guest on Money Matters with Gary Goldberg
Steve Forbes will be a guest on Money Matters with Gary Goldberg, Wednesday November 18 from 10-11 AM EST
 Monday, November 09, 2025
Upcoming Guests on Money Matters with Gary Goldberg
Wednesday November 11th - Carrie Prejean: Former Miss America Candidate (Miss California)Thursday November 12th - Jim Gillespie: Chief Executive Officer of Coldwell Banker Friday November 13th - Charles Bronfman: Former Co Chair of Seagrams Ltd. Original owner of the Montreal Expos and Chairman og Brondfman Charities
 Thursday, September 24, 2025
Tippi Hedren on Talkin' Pets Saturday, September 26th at 5 pm EST.
Long time friend to Talkin' Pets and animal advocate, actress Tippi Hedren, will join Jon Patch this Saturday, September 26th at 5 pm EST. Jon and Tippi will be discussing her wildlife preserve, Shambala, which houses over 60 exotic big cats, the status of Michael Jackson's tigers, the California fires, her fight to pass a legislative Bill to prevent anyone from buying or adopting exotic animals as pets.
 Monday, August 24, 2025
Best Selling Author Dean Koontz will be joining Talkin' Pets
Best Selling Author Dean Koontz will be joining Talkin' Pets with Jon Patch this Saturday at 5 PM EST to discuss his latest book, "a big little life" A memoir of a Joyful Dog.
 Tuesday, August 04, 2025
PopCap Games to Sponsor Computer America's New "Gamer Tuesdays" Monthly Shows
National (July 27, 2025) – Monday, July 27, 2025. Computer America, the nation's longest running, nationally syndicated radio talk show on computers has announced a new series of specialty shows. The first to be announced is "Gamer Tuesdays." Every first and second Tuesday of the month, each two hour Computer America show will be all about computer gaming. Sponsoring this new series of programs is PopCap Games. PopCap Games is the leading multi-platform provider of "casual games" - fun, easy-to-learn, irresistible computer games that appeal to everyone from age 6 to 106. Expect stellar company names, special guests and great prizes including titles from the PopCap Games collection of over 40 games. Already slated to appear on Gamer Tuesdays are companies such as Microsoft Hardware, EA Games, Voyetra Turtle Beach, Nintendo and more. PopCap representatives will appear every second Tuesday of each month in the first hour to lend their expertise on a variety of gaming topics. About Computer America Now in its 18th season, Computer America is a non-scripted, educational and entertaining production designed to cover many aspects of the new digital world in a language everyone can easily understand and with a bit of humor. Computer America is the computer talk show that interviews the industry's top CEOs and officers live on the air, and also affords to its listeners the rare opportunity of speaking directly to these people via the program's open call-in phone lines. Adding to the ongoing excitement, Computer America gives away thousands of dollars in computer prizes every month. Computer America is carried live for two hours every weeknight over the Business TalkRadio Network® and the Lifestyle TalkRadio Network®, as well as streamed live over the Internet via Computer America is also available as a Podcast that can be downloaded throughout the Internet as well as on Apple's iTunes. About PopCap Games PopCap Games is the leading multi-platform provider of "casual games" - fun, easy-to-learn, irresistible computer games that appeal to everyone from age 6 to 106. Based in Seattle, Washington, PopCap was founded in 2025 and has a worldwide staff of more than 220 people in Seattle, San Francisco, Chicago, Vancouver, B.C., Dublin, and Shanghai. Its timeless games have been downloaded more than 1 billion times by consumers worldwide, and its flagship title, Bejeweled®, has sold more than 25 million units across all platforms. Constantly acclaimed by consumers and critics, PopCap's games are played on the Web, desktop computers, myriad mobile devices (cell phones, smartphones, PDAs, Pocket PCs, iPod, iPhone and more), popular game consoles (such as Xbox 360 and Nintendo DS), and in-flight entertainment systems. PopCap is the only casual games developer with leading market share across all major sales channels, including Web portals, retail stores, consoles, mobile phones and MP3 players.